Search by the Verse Number 1 - 31102
    and the verse will be displayed.


    Enter the number of digits of π, e or φ number that you would like calculated by the 31102 verses in the Bible.
    Then that many digits of π, e or φ accordingly that were selected and the verse that It lands on will be displayed!
    1 - 10000001 ~One to Ten Million and One~

    π   e   φ


    English alphabet Ordinal values:
    A(1) B(2) C(3) D(4) E(5) F(6) G(7) H(8) I(9) J(10) K(11) L(12) M(13) N(14) O(15) P(16) Q(17) R(18) S(19) T(20) U(21) V(22) W(23) X(24) Y(25) Z(26)

    Enter the alphanumeric phrase to calculate the English Ordinal and it's full reduction Gematria value.


    Check primality or get the value of up to the 100008th prime number
    Check primality   Get the prime